Thursday, 24 December 2009

Linked Production

As part of the practical work of the crime drama, I will be creating an individual piece of production linked to the crime drama. I have chosen to create a poster in which will advertise the crime drama we have created as a group. I will be creating this poster on photo shop.
However, as I have chosen to create the poster it will also be required of me to produce a secondary poster of a smaller size consisting of similar information that will be on the larger advertising poster.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Story board

As a group we were told to create a storyboard by our teacher.

I then took this task upon myself and completed one for our group crime drama.
This was then handed to be viewed as a group where we made a few minor changes, from feedback from our teacher and developed it further to set a definate story for our crime drama.

Analysis of questionnaire results

Q1. Fracture was voted the most popular mane of the two, this was the reasoning behind choosing this name for our crime drama intentionally. However after the filming had been completed Shahema came up with the idea of 'Pathways', which we all agreed was a better suited name for the crime drama we are producing.

Q2. A gun was suggested to be a more conventional weapon for a crime drama, as we took upon this information and suggested a gun in our production.

Q3. Although crime dramas may frequently use dialogue, this was unpractical in our case as the cameras we were provided with to film our crime drama, does not have a good quality sound microphone, but also considering that other sounds will be picked up on this device such as the wind, etc. So for this reason we decided that it was best to use sound effects and music to create dynamics for situation occurring.

Q4. suggestions for names were given, however more appropriate suggestions were made such as keeping original names of the cast for the drama itself.

Q5. Although all 3 were conventional crimes for a crime drama, suggestions from audience were made that a murder is more 'exciting' and more popular with viewing audiences.

Q6. Setting the scene of our crime drama synopsis, it was more conveniently suggested that our crime drama suited being situated outdoors.

Final crime drama title

As a group our finalised name for our crime drama will be 'Pathways', this is because we feel this name has a meaning to the drama over the intended name 'Fracture'.
The meaning behind this name is as the story follows a criminal in action, it shows you do not have to offend in order to achieve what is wanted. As there are different paths to follow.

Sunday, 13 December 2009


Final characters decided on are as follows:

  • criminal- Aminur

  • criminal gang- a group of young men

  • victim- Shahema

  • 2 cops- Somaia and Khalid

From our initial 2 characters the victim and criminal, we decided to add more. This was to build greater action in the drama. This will also allow us to include more scenarios on what is happening.

Saturday, 12 December 2009


As we had booked the camera over the weekend commencing Friday 11 December, we started our filming.
On the Friday afternoon after college, my self and the group, along with a fellow cop for the drama stayed a while behind to start filming certain scenes. This filming period followed up till the Monday evening.
11.12.09- We had filmed, all the shots required for the prison scenes. This was for the beginning and ending of our crime drama opening sequence. Here we decided on filming extra shots for the scenario just in case they are needed during the production stage. This will allow us to make changes to any scenes we feel are not working to fit the drama.
12.12.09- The crime scene of the shooting and the robbery was shot. This was also the time when the cops had got involved in their roles and played the undercover cops, which followed the criminal in order to show how the criminal ended in prison.
13.12.09- The remainder of the filming was shot. This was the scenes of the criminal along with his criminal gang.
This allowed us to upload our footage onto the mac for editing our following practical lesson ready for editing.

Friday, 11 December 2009


The camera has been booked out for our group to start filming for the 11.12.09 and 15.12.09
This will allow our group to complete full sequence of the crime drama, in preparation for editing our footage and start creating a finished produce in time for the deadline.